Kingdom Friends

Mark 2:2–5
“And many were gathered together, so that there was no more room, not even at the door. And he was preaching the word to them. And they came, bringing to him a paralytic carried by four men. And when they could not get near him because of the crowd, they removed the roof above him, and when they had made an opening, they let down the bed on which the paralytic lay. And when Jesus saw their faith, he said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven.” (ESV)

One the biggest blessing we received form our God is the ability to be relational and being able to have relationships in our lives. However, the important part of having relationships is knowing who to have in your life and who is not good influence in your life. The discernment of knowing who is good and who isn’t is always a struggle in anyone’s life but the truth is that it’s more of a flesh vs spirit battle for the believer. We love to be with people that will tell us yes more often than no, we love to be with people that will go alone with our sin than to correct us when we sin.

In this passage in Mark we see beautiful friendship. The paralyzed man had some amazing friends that knew that he needed help and knew the only one that could help their friend was Jesus. We all need to strive to find friends like the paralyzed man had and be these kinds of friends. When we look at our friendships we need to acknowledge that Jesus is the only one that can help.

This is a good perspective to have in our friendships and acquaintances in ur daily lives. With our co-workers, classmates, barbers and family members. The only one that can help their unbelief is Jesus, he is the only one that can bring healing, salvation and redemption to anyone’s life. Jesus is always the answer. However, much like the paralyzed man’s friends they had to put in a lot of work to get him to Jesus. It will take a lot of effort to bring people to the feet of Jesus.

  1. What kind of friend are you? Do you point people to Jesus in your every day life? How can you better point people towards Jesus that are in your daily life?
  2. The men that brought the paralytic in Vs3 – how would you describe them?  What were they doing for their friend?   What does Jesus notice about them in Vs5?  Did their part go beyond just bringing him?
  3. Describe the love the friends expressed.Would you go to any lengths to help a friend receive healing?
  4. What kind of faith did the paralytic's friends have?How difficult was it to get him up to the roof? [Archaeologists have unearthed Peter's house where this healing may have taken place. The homes had stone stairs built into the side of the house for easy access to the roof. In the evenings, families would sit and talk in the cool of the night.]
  5. Why is forgiveness of sin so important to this man's healing? [Since they believed any physical problem was the result of sin, there may have been tremendous fear that he couldn't be healed and guilt that he needed God's forgiveness to survive. Jesus just cut through that red-tape and relieved him not only of his anxiety but his paralysis.]
  6. What does this passage teach us about Jesus?
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