Finding Growth in Rest

“Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where he prayed.” (Mark 1:35)

It is really easy for us to overlook what is going on in this passage in this verse alone, but if we dig a little deeper within Mark 1, we’ll see that Jesus has started his earthly ministry, He has been casting out impure spirits and healing people. The time He takes between these things is what matters most to us as followers of Christ, we see Him withdraw in solitude to spend time with the Father.
We live busy lives with work, school, our hobbies, and everything else that comes up throughout the week. We find ourselves justifying our time at church or attending small groups as enough time with Jesus but perhaps this is the year that we decide to put our faith first. Perhaps, this is the year that we make more time for Jesus. Jesus was doing amazing things by healing others but even He had to take a break from ministry to be alone and recharge.
This is not a selfish act, if anything when we take time to spend with God, we are doing others a favor. Just as Moses’ face shone when he walked down from the mountain after hearing from God, we too appear different to others after we spend time focusing on our personal relationship with the One who sustains us.
Already this year we’ve discussed how we can sacrifice ourselves to look more like Jesus. We’ve talked about areas of our lives that have too high of a priority. How can we continue to change and improve?
This passage shows us a practical way to live and love more like Jesus by taking care of our soul through solitude and praying to God. It’s never too late for us to make this change. Maybe our New Year’s resolutions have already failed and we’re feeling disheartened but take heart in the ability to be made new and start fresh again.

  1. How have you already seen God move in your life this year?
  2. Where do you feel like you connect best when spending time with God? How can you incorporate it more into your schedule?
  3. What do most people consider is a good use of time? What do you consider is a good use of time?
  4. How can time in the Word better help you? How does that glorify God?
  5. Why is the Word so important? Why do most people neglect Scripture?

Find time this week to spend alone with God. Whether this be on a walk through nature, tucked away in the corner of your favorite coffee shop, or even on your knees beside your bed. Our Father sees us, hears us, and knows our hearts. Surrender yourself and desire to spend more time with him and watch the way he moves in your life.
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