Spiritually Fit

1 Timothy‬ 4:8
“...train yourself for godliness; for while bodily training is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come.”

Paul wrote this in a letter to Timothy, who he was mentoring in the faith and in ministry. As the church in today’s age, we often need to be reminded of the same principles that believers throughout all decades were reminded of. 

At its core, this is a reminder to all believers that our values are called to a higher place than the values of the world. Your number one priority should be God - knowing him, seeking him, and ministering his love to the world. Your pursuit of God and your relationship with him is far more valuable than any type of measurable success you can attain in this world. We chase success - and even perfection - in our careers, academics, and physical fitness, as if it was the most important thing. 

The Bible doesn’t label transient things as invaluable; they are of some value, but God is the most important thing. It’s easy to hop onto the value system of the world because it’s all around us, but we’re called to value things differently. Loving God and loving people are the most significant things we will ever do in this life, yet so often, all of our time is devoted to less important things. Look at how you spend your time and that will show you what you truly value. The success we are chasing in this life will not pass onto the next one. When the present life passes away, the only thing that will still be of significance is what we did for the kingdom of heaven.

What kind of eternal impact are you having? Do you live like Jesus is coming back? Are you prioritizing loving God and loving people the way we have been called to? 

This is a value-check, a reality-check, and a priority-check. This is a call to realign our values with God’s values; to take the focus off of the natural, and to refocus on the spiritual, because God wants to bring spiritual significance and an eternal impact to the natural world we live in. We live in a world where so much is transient, but our values should align with what is eternal. (Sharing Jesus. Seeking lost souls. Pouring into the church.)

The comparison of bodily training to godliness reveals three things to us. First, we have the capacity to pursue godliness with the same work ethic that we pursue less important things in our lives. Second, as we pursue godliness, we become fortified against the attacks of the enemy. Lastly, the end goal is of godliness holds insurmountable eternal value in not only this life, but the life to come.


This week, consider one thing in your life that doesn’t deserve the place in your life that it holds, so that in exchange, God can reclaim that space in your life and begin to work marvelously, to make himself known to both you and the world around you.

discussion questions:
  • Share one thing in your life that is taking up too much space.What is one way that you can better prioritize God?
  • What is one way that you can start to make a greater eternal impact in the lives of those around you?
  • Has the Holy Spirit been asking you to sacrifice something for some time now that you struggle with surrendering?
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